My Big "Addiction Book" Coming Soon in 2025

My Big "Addiction Book" Coming Soon in 2025

The book I am working in is very lengthy and in depth. I found it necessary to make it that way because I intend to keep the commitment I stated in the book’s title: I intend to help free you from addiction. All of the information in the book is relevant to that goal. I am editing my book on addiction into two books. This book is seven years in the making. It is being edited over the last few years and I plan to publish them in 2025.

The book does not need to be read as if it’s a scientific textbook or a novel with a linear plot. I have tried to generally state a great many different things progressively from simpler pronouncements to more complex ones. But you can read the chapters and sections in any order you like and benefit considerably from them if you take the material seriously.

One thing that you must understand at the beginning of your journey to overcome addiction is how rampant addiction is. Addiction begins for many people in infancy, and it’s often in the form of food addiction. Sometimes children are given food to quiet them or reward them rather than being give the intimate love that they need in the way that they need it. And beginning in childhood people tend to observe others coping inappropriately with anxiety and other unpleasant feelings and mindsets by eating too much or eating incredibly unhealthy junk foods.

That’s tragic. And it’s also tragic that children become exposed to things such as cigarettes, booze, and drugs at early ages. That situation is exacerbated by parental negligence and lack of proper supervision.

Addictions begin, often in youth, when our behavior patterns and substance dependencies begin to be compulsions. We’re compelled to seek relief and the compulsions get out of control.

Whether your addictions are rooted in behavior patterns, intoxicating substances, or mental and emotional difficulties of various types, you can overcome them. When you do, you will experience a far more meaningful, productive, and enjoyable life. It’s my fervent desire to help you get to that place, and I know that the material in this book will be of immeasurable value to you if you put it into practice.

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