Quotes: Yoga, Baba Em' Promptu, Circa 1898

Quotes: Yoga, Baba Em' Promptu, Circa 1898

Attributed to the French yoga master Baba Em' Promptu, imprisoned in India in 1898 for teaching progressive yoga, called the Science of Breath and Relaxation at the School of Non-French Non-Western Philosophy:

"To approach yoga with authority, one must look beyond modern experiences in cities."

"Viewing yoga merely as a physical program is limiting. Viewing it as a spiritual program is confusing. It’s a psychological, physical, character-building, unifying program that leads to comprehension of the nature of the universe. It’s a classroom we create in the center of the mind to work towards the end of suffering and moments of happiness."

"If properly developed, yoga can bring one closer to their idea of God while on Earth."

"Yoga teachings are intellectual, designed to make us think and understand ourselves and reality."

"Ancient yoga teaches good leadership, compassionate society, body health, mental stability, and proper behavior."

"Modern times require yoga to address managing difficult childhood feelings and releasing stagnant energy."

"Awareness of our feelings is the first step to managing them."

"Learning to recognize and study emotions is crucial."

"Managing anxiety and fear holds great value."

"Changing lifestyle patterns, diet, and exercise are important."

"Writing, reading, and discussing self-development and healing are valuable practices."

"Staying mindful in all activities is essential for a conservation of energy and way of perfecting the art of living."

"All great cultures had individuals who cultivated themselves beyond societal norms."

"Ancient disciplines, though lacking modern scientific knowledge, understood the importance of activity and relaxation."

"Breathing exercises and relaxation practices led to higher comprehension."

"Observing and controlling one's character and thoughts is a key discovery."

"Communicating profound understandings of mind and consciousness was challenging historically."

"Modern technology allows instant sharing of healing and mind-body knowledge."

"People today can easily access diverse teachings that interest them."

"Ancient masters would embrace technology to spread ancient knowledge for humanity's good."

Author's note: These quotes are fictional and attributed to me, created for exploring marketing psychology. "A great quote gains stature when attributed to a 'famous-sounding' or respected individual." - M. Antebi

There are numerous exalted titles individuals can attain for their dedication to spiritual practice. Many deserve utmost respect, akin to elders or children. However, titles can also serve as branding for products, ideas, or causes. To those liberated from attachments, titles hold little meaning, freeing the mind from unnecessary judgments.

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