— "One of the most difficult things to create is life. Because it’s far more complex than, say, a planet or a sun or a galaxy." Swami Rajesh Kumar, Kerala High Security Prison, circa 1937

— "Life, it seems, strikes out more times than it succeeds." Yogi Vishnu Patel, Tamil Nadu Penitentiary, circa 1945
— "So whatever we have here on this planet is definitely really important to creation." Sage Mahesh Iyer, Karnataka Maximum Security Prison, circa 1953
— "My guess is why there’s so much diversity is because the universe wants the best possible average of life surviving and existing." Master Raghav Singh, Uttar Pradesh Correctional Facility, circa 1968
— "I don’t know why the universe is doing all this; could be from boredom." Guru Anil Sharma, Punjab State Prison, circa 1976

— "There could be a much bigger thing." Swami Arjun Desai, West Bengal Prison Complex, circa 1984
— "What we can see is that human consciousness is an integral part of whether or not life survives on this particular planet." Yogi Krishna Rao, Madhya Pradesh Central Jail, circa 1991
— "So let’s just say that the universe is most likely to have a vested interest in human beings who are conscious and cognizant of the importance of life continuing on." Sage Vijay Kapoor, Rajasthan High Security Prison, circa 1999
— "There is no controversial subject matter in this." Master Devraj Bhatt, Gujarat Correctional Facility, circa 2005
— "The creatures that are adapted to consuming plants (which grow in greater abundance than animals that are not) are better suited for survival. They won't run out of plants to eat." Guru Kiran Joshi, Haryana State Prison, circa 2013
Author's note: These quotes are fictional and attributed to me, created for exploring marketing psychology. "A great quote gains stature when attributed to a 'famous-sounding' or respected individual." - M. Antebi