Chapter I: Introduction
Never before have we attempted to create a comprehensive program to help individuals establish a healthy relationship with food. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to our approach to eating. Each person has unique thoughts and attitudes about food. While some may prefer clear instructions on what to do and when to do it, relying solely on such diets often leads to eventual derailment because we haven't actively engaged in the process.
To truly address the complexities of our relationship with food, we must actively participate, be thoughtful and present, develop strategies, seek knowledge, and build tools to navigate our emotional challenges and prevent self-destruction. I cannot offer you a quick fix or a magical solution. Merely listening to my words will not suddenly heal you.
Similar to the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous, which outlines the steps individuals take to maintain sobriety, you'll discover that there is work involved in this process. Action is required. It is not enough for someone to instruct you to eat a carrot at noon and avoid chocolate cake after 7 PM. These types of diets often fail, and there are countless books lining dollar store shelves attesting to their shortcomings.
Instead, I will provide you with specific tools to overcome addiction and find a sense of tranquility. However, please be aware that the system is not perfect. You may stumble and falter along the way. Maintaining your highest self and achieving personal growth is a daily endeavor. Our emotional nature and the baggage we carry from our past experiences often complicate this journey. The struggle will always be present.
People resort to unhealthy eating patterns for various reasons. Let us set aside the distinctions between food addiction, anorexia, overeating, and obesity. Instead, let's acknowledge that these issues are connected to a damaged inner child residing within us. This wounded part of our subconscious drives unconscious behaviors, seeking comfort through patterns and routines that must be broken and replaced with healthier alternatives.
Some individuals spend years in therapy or require medication to address these challenges, and there is no shame in seeking such assistance. On the other hand, some people possess an inherent drive to improve themselves and, given the right guidance and role models, they can embark on the path of self-help. To conquer your food addictions, you will need to tap into a power greater than yourself. This power lies within you; it is your higher self.
Your consciousness is divided into two parts: the higher self and the lower self, which tends to exhibit animalistic behavior centered around self-centeredness and defensiveness. Our lower self is shaped by negative childhood experiences, societal messages, and a lack of clear guidance on what is right. As long as confusion persists regarding the correct path, there remains a risk of straying from it.
A crucial aspect of this process is to eliminate the confusion. There is a right way for humans to eat, and you must accept this truth and document it for yourself, treating it as you would mathematics or history. While initially it may seem like a dull subject, it is, in fact, the essence of life itself. If breathing became a challenge, someone would quickly teach you its importance, for survival would depend on it.
Food, however, allows for more leniency in making mistakes and surviving the consequences. That is why we have divided the nutrition book into three small pocket-sized volumes, encouraging you to read them cover to cover. These teachings should have been ingrained in us during our formative years, ideally taught in school when our minds were receptive and eager to learn.
Chapter II: Understanding the Power of Raw Fresh Juice and Smoothies
Allow me to introduce you to the transformative world of Raw Fresh Juice and Raw Fresh Smoothies. The benefits they offer are clear and straightforward. With 1000% certainty, you cannot come to any harm by incorporating fresh raw juice into your daily life, unless you are allergic to fruits and vegetables. Countless stories attest to the positive impact of drinking fresh juice.
It is evident that if someone has a poor diet and adds a healthy smoothie to that diet, they are likely exacerbating their problems because they are increasing their caloric intake . To address this, one needs to consider their entire diet and eliminate mistakes one by one. By doing this first, we can more readily see the benefits of adding the good stuff into our eating plan. Eliminate dietary mistakes first, then worry about what we put back into the diet.
Raw juice sets itself apart as a significantly lower-calorie option, especially when it consists of a nut milk base with minimal high-calorie fruits like bananas. While calories may be a concern when drinking juice, calories, in general, are not the problem but, in fact, part of the solution. In cases of starvation, the primary issue is often the lack of calories rather than inadequate protein or vitamin C intake. Thus, it becomes crucial to provide sufficient calories in their diet, sourced from clean and non-intoxicating sources.
In the context of the Western modern diet, we consume an excessive amount of junk food, which should be eliminated entirely. The first step in avoiding processed food is to steer clear of products laden with chemicals. Even if these chemicals are deemed safe by the FDA, it is utter nonsense to allow their presence in our diets.
The FDA should not set a standard that permits any chemical, even if it is not immediately lethal or poisonous, to be included in our food. This acceptance stems from ignorance and, to some extent, the influence of profit-driven individuals.
The individuals responsible for creating these rules often consume the very food they permit, making it unlikely for them to forbid it. Relying on governmental bodies to dictate our dietary choices is ludicrous. On one hand, we seek guidance on calorie requirements and appropriate food choices, while on the other, these bodies allow the poisoning of their citizens.

White sugar, candy, pesticide-laden foods, genetically modified organisms, white flour, preservatives, food colors, flavor enhancers—these are all legal but detrimental to our health, plain and simple. The FDA resembles a highly dysfunctional babysitter who restricts only the most dangerous activities, such as firing a gun in the house.
Any behavior falling below that threshold is permitted. I cannot stress enough how ludicrous it is that substances like cigarettes remain legal, despite the countless lives they claim. Imagine if there were a mode of transportation so dangerous that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) allowed it as long as there was a sign warning of the high likelihood of death. Such a scenario would render the agency's purpose meaningless. Substances that slowly deteriorate the human body should be contraband.
While I understand the complexities surrounding this issue, it is important to shed light on this absurdity. We must cease relying on so-called experts to save us because they won't. It is a journey we must undertake on our own.
When it comes to nutrition, doctors and dentists have limited expertise. Gaining true knowledge in this field requires extensive reading, attending seminars, engaging in conversations, and accumulating personal experiences. Acquiring nutritional wisdom stems from making nutrition a passion, similar to the explorers who set sail in search of the New World. We must embark on our own explorations, learning how to navigate the realms of nutrition and understand the chemistry of our bodies.
We are no longer children, relying on others to provide us with sustenance. We must learn how to forage and gather food in the right way for ourselves.
Chapter III: Discovering the Power of Juicing
It took me 37 years of life to unlock the remarkable benefits of juicing. At the age of 40, in 2010, I opened my first retail Juice bar called Juice Press in New York City's Lower East Side. Fast forward to 2019, and Juice Press expanded into a chain with over 80 stores across five states. Alongside my partner, I also managed a highly intricate production facility focused on defying the norms of food production. Our aim was to create products without processed ingredients, maintain 100% USDA organic certification, avoid pasteurization processes, and ensure the shortest possible shelf life while offering a wide range of products within our store network.
However, it is important to note that these experiences alone do not solely qualify me as a spokesperson for the world of juicing. I lack formal degrees or diplomas. Instead, my credentials stem from my hands-on experience, my technical and mechanical mindset, and my relentless pursuit of knowledge. When I delve into a subject, I strive to uncover as much information as possible, never accepting common knowledge as truth until I have personally discovered and verified it.
During the early days of Juice Press, I struggled to find effective ways to promote our product to mainstream consumers without resorting to the usual nonsensical marketing jargon employed by many juice bars. This type of nonsense has hindered the progress of the juice movement, even though experienced individuals can see through it. Through this journey, I have learned to focus on discussing why juice should be regarded as a nutritious and wholesome food.
I frequently find myself engaged in debates and disputes with medical doctors, gym trainers, raw food enthusiasts, and others regarding the merits and drawbacks of a plant-based diet, particularly one that incorporates a significant amount of juice. However, based on my nearly 15 years of experience in the expansive retail Juice business, I firmly believe that there are no risks associated with consuming raw fresh juice. It is a safe and beneficial option for individuals of all ages, including the elderly, children, pregnant women, those with health conditions, and even those who may struggle with mental health.
Through my personal journey and extensive experience, I have come to appreciate the immense power of juicing as a vital component of a healthy lifestyle.

Chapter IV: Embracing the Versatility of Juice
There is no single perfect juice formula that holds the key to eternal life. All fresh juice formulas have their own unique benefits. Choose mixtures based on your preferences and the availability of produce in your area.
The concept of the glycemic index, often relied upon by those caught up in misinformation about traditional nutritional models, does not apply to the world of juicing. Those who haven't experienced juicing firsthand tend to misunderstand its impact. I have witnessed numerous individuals with poor body chemistry, including those with inflammatory diseases and diabetes, significantly improve their health simply by incorporating a reasonable amount of juice into their daily routine.
However, if a person continues to maintain a terrible diet alongside drinking juice, it can exacerbate their existing problems. Juice adds to an already excessive "caloric pool" in such cases. Starting a "juicing kick" without simultaneously adopting other positive changes, such as increasing exercise, eliminating desserts, and avoiding processed food, can limit the overall benefits.
Interestingly, as I write this, my wife is beginning her annual 10-day juice cleanse using our home juicer. It strikes me as odd that some individuals are hesitant to drink juice regularly but have no qualms about consuming a few glasses of wine each week or indulging in a coffee with milk. This observation is based on closely studying the mentality and behavior of thousands of customers at my former Juice Press business.
It is crucial to recognize the potential harm of refined sugar and excessive protein consumption. Overeating and relying on processed food are also detrimental to one's health, as they disrupt the body's chemistry. However, raw, natural juice will never harm you. In fact, the more juice you consume while maintaining a consistent routine, the more you may notice a reduction in cravings for processed food or excessive protein.
Although I cannot scientifically prove it, my research and the teachings of my mentors strongly suggest that juice aids in removing endogenous toxic materials from cells, thereby potentially reducing physical cravings.
Nevertheless, whether or not we can prove that juice is a cure for something does not diminish its value. Juice essentially consists of all-natural, plant-based calories. Through the juicing process, solid produce is liquefied, and most of the insoluble and water-soluble fiber is removed (some fiber dissolves in water, while the rest is eliminated with waste).
However, these details are inconsequential to most juice drinkers. Metaphorically speaking, it's akin to driving a car. You can drive it forward by simply pressing the pedal, regardless of whether you possess in-depth knowledge of automotive technology. Similarly, to consume juice, all you need is access to a juicer, electricity, fresh produce, and a glass.
Avoid overthinking it—just enjoy your juice. There will always be naysayers who find excuses to criticize the idea of drinking juice, but they are simply mistaken. They will not contribute to helping you achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire. In today's world, juice serves as an antidote, to some extent, for problems caused by improper diet, excessive stress, and environmental pollution.
One beautiful aspect of juice is that it provides an immediate positive effect—it tastes great, and the water and moisture feel refreshing in the back of your throat. If you consume juice with an adequate calorie content, mostly derived from carbohydrates, you will experience an energy boost to fuel your physical activities.
When you start drinking juice, you are consuming liquid calories. However, if you are accustomed to a concentrated diet with rich foods and heavy sauces, it may take time to feel mentally satisfied with a 300-calorie juice. Adjusting to juices with fewer calories will require even more time and patience.
Chapter V: Embracing the Safety and Benefits of Juice
Is juice safe? Absolutely. I can attest to this from observing tens of thousands of consumers who have used it. I have personally consumed juice and served it to my own children. I waited until they were at least one year old to introduce juice, not because it is unsafe, but because they were not yet ready for that particular food group. However, that discussion is best left for another time.
The most crucial aspect of understanding nutrition is not rooted in secret or ancient knowledge. It is a relatively recent discovery, much like the realization that the Earth is round, not flat. The key to optimal nutrition lies in eliminating processed food and dietary mistakes.
There is no one-size-fits-all diet that will cater to the 9 billion individuals on this planet. However, every successful diet, even if only short-term, shares a common thread: they steer people away from processed food and dietary mistakes.
A new book on juice or smoothies can only be credible and comprehensive if its first lesson emphasizes that the benefit of these food preparations lies in the fact that they generally exclude the mistakes that lead to sickness, disease, weight gain, chemical imbalances, and negative emotions, including perpetual depression.
Juice and smoothies are not ancient remedies; they are relatively new discoveries. In an ideal world, akin to the Garden of Eden, juice and smoothies would not be necessary. However, our environment is saturated with pollution, toxins, and chemicals. We have easy access to highly concentrated, harmful foods that have become regular components of our diets. Clean drinking water is often scarce unless it is consumed from a bottle. We are constantly exposed to stress and our surroundings are mildly to severely toxic.
We have moved beyond fear-mongering; we are now searching for solutions. The benefits of incorporating juice and smoothies into our lifestyle lie in relieving the body's burden—by burden, I am referring to our overall chemistry, not specific organs or functions. By alleviating this burden during the digestive process and avoiding common dietary mistakes such as overeating, improper food combinations, processed foods, excessive protein, and late-night eating, we allow our energy to focus on one purpose: cleaning up the mess within our bodies and maintaining strength in our healing processes.
None of the statements I make can be proven by science; they are all hypotheses. However, one thing that has been scientifically validated is the benefit of dry and water fasting.
Chapter VI: Understanding Water Fasting and the Benefits of Juice
Water fasting can take you to a very deep end within just 24 hours. It not only affects your body but also your mental state, leading to confusing thoughts and sensations. If one manages to surpass the 24-hour mark of a water fast, they enter a different realm of existence that goes beyond the physical.
The health benefits of water fasting, which have been proven and recognized universally, include enhancing the immune system. In fact, a Nobel Prize was awarded to an individual for their research on the health benefits of water fasting.
An alternative approach to fasting is to consider the dry fast that occurs every night when you sleep. During sleep, you refrain from drinking water or consuming food, allowing your body to filter the blood and eliminate toxins. Intermittent fasting prolongs this natural process, and the inability of modern science to explain it simply indicates a lag in catching up with ancient teachings.
Ancient civilizations likely discovered fasting through experimentation with periods of fasting and feasting, prompted by the lack of available food. Water fasting is not intended as a weight-loss diet but as a serious healing crisis. It requires knowledge and often supervision. Extended water fasts that surpass seven days take years of preparation and can be dangerous if not followed correctly.
One of the reasons why longer water fasts can be dangerous is the risk of binge eating after the fast, which can lead to severe illness. Individuals with eating disorders should avoid such fasting regimens for various reasons beyond the scope of this book.
A simpler alternative to complex water fasting is to reintroduce nutrients while keeping the diet liquid, which is the case with juice fasting. When you consume juice, you provide calories and essential nutrients and compounds. While water fasting triggers the body to consume waste materials and initiates a process of cellular regeneration, juice fasting provides a continuous supply of nutrients, preventing the need for the body to engage in auto-cleansing as it would with water fasting.
The duration of a juice fast determines the extent to which the body undergoes its cleansing process. Even on a short-duration juice cleanse, some benefits similar to those of water cleansing can be achieved. However, the effects may vary significantly due to individual chemistry and other variables.
Juice fasting is exceptionally safe, as I have witnessed numerous variations of juice cleanses over the years, ranging from extremely low-calorie all-green cleanses to high-calorie juice and smoothie cleanses. They can be as short as a day or as long as 60 days. Juice cleansing offers an effective method of cleansing, and it is worth considering. Although it may not be as fashionable as it was in the past, mostly due to people not knowing how to measure results accurately, cleansing will likely regain popularity in the future.
Instead of approaching juice fasting as a marathon event, I recommend incorporating juice and smoothies into your regular lifestyle. This can be a more sustainable and easily maintained approach.
I will briefly touch on one of my favorite subjects: understanding how the sugars in fruit and starchy vegetables work in our chemistry and why they are not detrimental but actually vital. One of the detrimental trends in the Western diet, apart from the introduction of processed foods, is the obsession with counting calories and avoiding sugar at all costs.
When individuals avoid naturally occurring sugars found in fruits, they unknowingly provide an unfair advantage to cancer cells over healthy cells within their bodies. Our bodies are designed to be carbohydrate-burning machines, and carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables should comprise the majority of our calorie intake in adulthood, with limited amounts of protein.
I am not advocating for a vegan or plant-based diet in this book, although I personally follow that approach. Excessive protein in one's diet is a more significant problem than fruit sugar will ever be.
Chapter VII: Exploring Juice and Smoothies
Juice and smoothies both offer fantastic sources of calories and nutrients, provided the ingredients are organic and unpasteurized. When it comes to comparing juice and smoothies, it's important to understand their differences and benefits.
Juice cleanses work because they allow the body to engage in its own cleansing process by eliminating most components except for the nutrients and some water. While juice lacks much of the fiber found in whole produce, a small amount still remains, enabling the body to undergo more thorough cleansing due to reduced material for digestion.
Smoothies, on the other hand, are enjoyable and flavorful. If made with nut-based milk and banana, they provide more calories, which can be beneficial as a meal replacement or for increased energy during physical activity. Smoothies offer a delightful combination of produce and nutrition, resembling a decadent treat while providing a cornucopia of health benefits. Rather than debating which is better between juice and smoothies, it is advisable to integrate both into your diet for maximum benefits.
It's worth noting that smoothies are typically consumed frozen, and the coldness of them may require additional effort from our bodies to maintain warmth. This can be uncomfortable for individuals with weakened immune systems or other factors contributing to their vulnerability. In such cases, opting for room temperature smoothies might be more suitable to meet their needs.
For those who find cold food challenging, juice can be diluted with warm water to create a fresh juice tea or a potent infusion. This warm version of juice may be easier to handle for individuals with weakened immune systems or those who prefer warmer foods.
In summary, both juice and smoothies have their own merits and can be incorporated into your diet depending on your preferences and needs. Experiment with both to find what works best for you and enjoy the multitude of health benefits they offer.
Chapter VIII: Understanding Sugar in Juice and Smoothies
When it comes to sugar content, Goosugar, the company, does not add any sweeteners to their cold-pressed juices. On the other hand, some blended smoothies may contain clean sweeteners such as maple syrup or yacon syrup. While no added sweetness is generally preferred, a small amount of maple syrup is unlikely to have adverse effects for the majority of individuals.
For those who are overly concerned about their sugar intake from raw fruit, goodsugar offers a variety of options to cater to everyone's needs. At goodsugar you can find super green juices, salads, green smoothies, and customize your smoothies to your liking. The key is to avoid processed or refined ingredients while enjoying the abundance of choices available.
It's important to note that avoiding fruits solely because of their natural sugars means missing out on essential vitamins and antioxidants that are not easily obtained from other sources. People's health issues are often attributed to consuming processed junk food and following high-protein diets, rather than fruits and starchy vegetables. While a toxic diet combined with excessive fruit consumption may contribute to problems, it's crucial to consider the overall dietary context.
Both fruit juices and solid or blended fruits play a vital role in cleansing and detoxifying various aspects of the body. Contrary to popular belief, fruits do not cause dramatic spikes in blood sugar levels. While they raise sugar levels initially, they stabilize quickly for most individuals, including those with type 2 diabetes.
Smoothies made in-store at goodsugar can be tailored to individual preferences, whether with or without sweeteners. The bottled smoothies contain small amounts of selected raw sweeteners like raw agave, coconut nectar, or whole dates.
Comparing the sugar content in fruit juices, such as raw pineapple juice, to soda reveals a stark difference. The atomic elements and nutrients present in juices like pineapple, carrots, and beets offer tremendous benefits for the body. It's crucial to question where vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will come from if raw fruits and vegetables are avoided in fear of their sugar content. Opting for bagels or frozen yogurt with added sugars certainly won't suffice.
It's important to differentiate between naturally occurring sugars in foods like fruits and vegetables and added sugars, which should be a cause for concern. Natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet as they come with water, fiber, and essential micronutrients. However, added sugars, such as regular table sugar and high fructose corn syrup, should be avoided for weight loss and overall health optimization.
goodsugar emphasizes that their juices contain only the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, without any added sugars. These sugars are vital sources of energy for most individuals. When consuming fruit or vegetable juices, the sugars present have not been isolated from their companion nutrients, which have a positive effect on the body's chemistry. The presence of companion nutrients helps stabilize sugar levels and balance insulin in the bloodstream.
goodsugar firmly supports the belief that raw fruit and vegetable juices are incredibly beneficial due to their quick absorption into the bloodstream, providing instant energy and alkalizing effects. On the other hand, isolated and processed sugars, as well as artificial sweeteners, are considered harmful and a significant contributor to health issues. There is no comparison between the sugars naturally present in fruits and vegetables and those found in soda or other processed foods.
It's important to acknowledge that there is no one-size-fits-all recommendation for the ideal amount of sugar from raw fruits and vegetables. Individual chemistries vary, and not everyone will thrive on large amounts of fruit or fruit juice consumption. However, most people who increase their intake of raw juice while reducing processed food consumption experience significant improvements in their overall health and well-being.
Chapter IX: Understanding the Effects of Fruit Sugar and Juice
goodsugar wants to clarify that they do not prescribe or diagnose illnesses and do not encourage deviating from the diet plan recommended by medical professionals or licensed nutritionists.
In a healthy individual, fruit sugar does not cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Instead, it raises the levels, and the body's chemistry adjusts to bring it back down to the appropriate range. For some people, consuming raw fruit juice may result in a cleansing effect, leading to a quick trip to the bathroom.
Individuals with blood sugar issues may opt for fruit juices that include plenty of green juice to lower the glycemic index.
goodsugar presents their belief on raw sugar from fruits and vegetables. Their cold-pressed juices made from produce are not sweetened, but desserts, raw food, and superfood smoothies may contain sweeteners such as raw agave nectar or other raw organic options.
It is essential to acknowledge that people have unique chemistries, and fruit sugar may not be suitable for everyone. The concept of individual chemistries has various aspects, and it's not suggested that individuals should consume excessive amounts of orange juice. Fiber, on the other hand, is generally beneficial and necessary. The more digestive-resistant the foods, such as flesh foods, the more fiber is needed.
Many doctors may hold opposing views due to their training and programming. However, there is scientific evidence supporting the powerful effects of juice. An article from February 2014, cited by goodsugar, may have misquoted and misinterpreted scientific studies when comparing the raw, fresh fruit sugar in juice to the highly processed sugar in a Snickers bar. Comparing a Snickers bar to an apple or comparing Coca-Cola to fruit juice would be more appropriate and realistic, but even these comparisons have flaws.
Regardless of the sugar content, soda is considered toxic and highly acidic, capable of damaging car paint. In contrast, fresh juice, when consumed in relation to an individual's chemistry, leaves behind an alkaline ash in the bloodstream, reducing inflammation in the body. For most people, the sugars in raw, fresh juice have minimal impact on their overall chemistry.
The effects of sugar, whether raw, unprocessed, or naturally occurring, vary from person to person. If someone's blood sugar fluctuates significantly, consuming highly processed foods with processed sugars will likely have a more negative impact on their overall well-being than drinking fresh, raw fruit juices with higher sugar content (moderation remains important). Mixing more green juices with fruit juice, such as in a 1:1 ratio, can provide a fantastic experience. Diluting fruit juices with water or combining them with equal parts of green juices can also lower the glycemic index.
Soda can dissolve a seashell if soaked for several days, highlighting its acidic nature. Individuals who consume processed junk food rarely make progress unless they heavily rely on medications, and even then, the improvements are often short-lived. Soda and its sugar promote inflammation, which is a significant precursor to many illnesses.
In contrast, fruit juice and its sugar have alkalizing effects due to their vitamin and mineral content. Even citric acid, when metabolized, converts to neutral salts, contributing to the body's alkalinity. This is a simple scientific fact.
Marcus Antebi, co-founder of goodsugar, shares his experience and expertise in the field of nutrition. He emphasizes that both vegetable and fruit juices have their own benefits. Green juices, derived from vegetables, are higher in mineral content and contain unique compounds beneficial to human chemistry. They tend to be lower in calories and provide less energy compared to fruit juices.
Chapter X: Debunking Misconceptions about Juice
It is important to address the two common concerns that some individuals have regarding juice: the lower fiber content compared to whole produce and the amount of sugar in fruit juices. However, these concerns are based on fallacies and misunderstandings.
Firstly, it is not possible to remove 100% of the fiber from juice using most juice-making methods. When you observe a typical juice, it appears dense and opaque, and over time, the fiber particles settle at the bottom. Even cold-pressed juices contain trace amounts of fiber. This remaining fiber is sufficient to aid in the digestion of the specific juice being consumed and provide the associated digestive and probiotic benefits of fiber. After all, the primary purpose of fiber in the diet is to support digestive processes and promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
Since juice requires less digestion compared to grains and animal flesh, a large amount of fiber is not necessary when consuming juice.
In the 20th century and even now, many people mistakenly believed that fiber slows down the absorption of sugars in juice or fruit. However, this is not how chemistry works.
The speed at which sugar enters the body is a concern when dealing with isolated and concentrated processed sugars, but it is irrelevant when it comes to the carbohydrate sugar present in fruit, juice, or starchy vegetables. This is because nutrients accompany the sugar, and the body's response to this carbohydrate is different. In individuals with normal chemistry, the body releases a normal amount of insulin to regulate the uptake of fruit sugar, regardless of how quickly it is digested. The body does not panic because something transitioned from the stomach to the bloodstream in a short amount of time. The chemistry is primarily concerned with what happens once the sugar enters the bloodstream.
Fruit juices, as well as juices from carrots or beets, are not concentrated, artificially sweetened substances. Therefore, the body only requires insulin to process the sugar and not other hormones like IGF1 and 2, which would have a detrimental long-term effect if they were necessary for sugar uptake.
The focus should be on the nutrients that enter the body along with the sugar. These nutrients enter the system easily without much effort from the digestive system, enhancing the immune system and giving the liver a break. The antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals present in juice provide the body with what it needs to fight cancer, boost energy, and improve overall health. Additionally, juices contain alkalizing and hydrating properties.
All of these components, including the sugar, enter the bloodstream when consuming juice or eating fruits. If someone maintains a relatively clean diet, their blood sugar will rise and fall within the normal range after drinking fruit juices. This is what their chemistry is designed to do.
Now, what about diabetics who do not produce insulin? It should be noted that their main problem lies in consuming processed foods and animal protein. Diabetics can drink fresh juice if they follow a sensible calorie diet and avoid unhealthy food. However, if their diet consists of garbage, the calories from juice will only exacerbate their issues.
In fact, every type one diabetic I have encountered has experienced weight loss during a common juice cleanse, and their blood sugar levels measured lower than usual for them. The common factor in these cases was a significant reduction in protein intake and the absence of processed foods.
Type one diabetics typically experience such dramatic improvements in their chemistry within 72 to 100 hours of a cleanse that they often need to reduce their regular insulin dosage. If done under medical supervision, this transformation can be safe and profound.
There are things in this world that will bite you, Things that can poison you, A blanket is for warming yourself, A loving hand is healing, A Sharp knife can cut, A camp fire can warm, A juice cleanse can heal.
I have seen many simple transformations coming for a short juice cleanse and longer duration. The intention is important.
Chapter XI: Harnessing the Power of Juice Fasting
Juice fasting can be practiced in various durations, ranging from short fasts lasting 12-16 hours to longer cleanses of 24, 48, or even 72 hours. Short fasts can be easily incorporated into a daily routine, extending for months or even indefinitely. Longer cleanses provide your body with an extended period to naturally detoxify without the interference of most diets, allowing your chemistry to work on cleansing and promoting overall well-being.
Intermittent fasting should be a part of one's life for optimal health. Throughout this website, I have cited highly credible resources, including scientific studies and data. One such study involved a scientist who was awarded a Nobel Prize for demonstrating the incredible and profound impact of water fasting on human chemistry.
It is crucial to consume juice immediately after it is made to enjoy its full flavor and benefit from its nutrients and active enzymes. Exposure to the elements, particularly oxygen, leads to the gradual loss of flavor and the diminishing of these beneficial components. While some products may have a longer shelf life, we are committed to serving "made daily," "short shelf," and "USDA organic produce" juices, soups, foods, and delightful treats. Our focus is on providing the freshest and most nutritious options, as they are the perfect foods with the shortest shelf life in the food industry.
Understanding the appropriate usage of juices throughout the day is vital. Depending on the time of day, our bodies may not be receptive to very cold juices. It is recommended to consume juices at room temperature during these times. Smoothies, on the other hand, may be too shocking for your system when consumed very cold. It's important to consider these factors to avoid unnecessary chemical stimulants and support your body's natural rhythms.
To truly experience the differences in your body and unlock its self-healing potential, it is necessary to purify your body. This level of sensitivity and awareness does not come easily in the early stages of improving your diet. As you progress and detoxify from processed foods and dietary mistakes, you begin to perceive food in the right way and become more attuned to the subtleties often not found in books on self-healing. The highest principle of self-healing lies in mastering your mind, the thoughts you cultivate, and maintaining the discipline of eating in alignment with your true nature. By doing so, you empower yourself to experience self-healing on a much greater scale, contributing to longevity and overall well-being.
Chapter XII: Juice and Smoothies are Healing
Over the years, the undeniable truth about juice and smoothies has become diluted by ignorance and confusion. People often express concerns about the sugar content in fruit or the absence of fiber in juice. However, if individuals were truly concerned about every nutrient and compound they put into their bodies, it would be challenging for them to fall ill.
Controversy surrounds many complex subjects in our consciousness, such as spirituality, the origin of life, and the earth crisis, including climate change. Juice and smoothies, on the other hand, are relatively straightforward. When one is sick and in need of healing, the focus should be on consuming minimal calories and easily digestible substances. During the healing process, excessive protein is not necessary; rest and nutrient compounds that support the body's mechanisms are crucial. It's important to avoid feeding the wrong elements to the body, depending on the specific illness.
Modern medicine practiced within hospital institutions remains largely unaware of the healing potential of food. The integration of food as a healing component is limited due to a lack of understanding and difficulty in controlling its effects. Unlike injecting proper nutrition through a syringe, food has been a blind spot in modern medicine.
Around 100 years ago, juice may not have been the ideal remedy for the emerging modern society, largely due to prevalent dietary mistakes, with meat being a dominant component of people's diets. However, in today's world, numerous health problems have arisen, and more than ever, juice serves as an antidote, along with smoothies and salads, albeit with slightly less potency. Regardless of what medical professionals or scientific minds may think about the composition of juice and its potential deficiencies, it is undeniable that a fresh and raw 16-ounce bottle of juice contains incredible vitamins, minerals, and compounds that help the body achieve a better state. It is important to note that a bottle of juice alone will not immediately restore someone's health, but it is part of the solution. However, juice is not a miracle cure or a panacea; human chemistry works slowly. It is this gradual process that allows individuals to intoxicate themselves for years without feeling the effects until they culminate in illness. Calorically, juices are restrictive while providing the necessary energy for movement. Additionally, they contain compounds that have not yet been categorized as important nutrients; they are sub-nutrients waiting to be recognized.
Juice does have limitations. When someone is ill, it is crucial to monitor caloric intake and avoid burdening digestion. In such cases, juices can be used as immediate transfusions, similar to an intravenous (IV) infusion. Green juices are especially important for individuals who are unwell because the natural sugars, although needed, may not be efficiently utilized if a person is bedridden. Therefore, it is advisable to limit fruit consumption and opt for low-sugar fruits or combine them with greens to balance the glycemic index. As a person begins to recover and becomes ready for activity, the best source of energy is carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits. During this phase, they can increase their intake of fruit sugars through smoothies to obtain the whole fruit, including fiber. However, throughout the day, it is still beneficial to incorporate a green juice or perhaps a shot of ginger. As the day comes to an end, transitioning to juice is advantageous since there is less to digest, allowing the body to continue resting and healing.
When someone is sick, avoiding natural fruit sugars is not advisable as healthy cells also rely on them as an energy source. The compounds found in fruit are irreplaceable, and any alternative source would likely come with a toxic price. In the case of illness, it is essential to avoid flesh foods, processed foods, and especially dairy. If one is fighting for their life.
Chapter XIII: The Importance of Natural Chemistry and the Power of Juice
When it comes to natural chemistry, there can be no compromises. Alcohol consumption should be completely forbidden when fighting an illness. Even moderate alcohol intake is toxic to the liver, and its detrimental effects are even more pronounced when someone is ill. Essentially, consuming alcohol while battling an illness is akin to further poisoning oneself.
Using juice as a supplement in a diet is incredibly valuable, taking into account one's current chemistry and mental state. A juice cleanse can serve as an incredible way to relax the body both physically and spiritually.
Concerns about fiber intake should be contextualized. It is not necessary to consume fiber every single day, especially during a juice cleanse when there are no solid foods or hard-to-digest items that require additional fiber for digestion. If one is still concerned about fruit and its sugar content, mixing fruits and vegetables together or diluting the juice can ensure the intake of all the nutrients, sub-nutrients, and compounds that organic fresh produce provides.
For those overly concerned about blood sugar levels, it is crucial to eliminate meat foods, avoid late-night eating, and steer clear of processed foods, particularly those containing processed sugars. By eliminating these items, blood sugar levels should normalize within a short period. The gap left by removing these unhealthy choices can be filled with fruits and vegetables, even in smoothie form. If concerns about fiber persist, one can have a green juice with some fruit and then consume a salad or celery sticks.
Feeding a severely ill person a children's vitamin drink made with pasteurized milk and refined sugar is sheer ignorance. Introducing processed refined sugar into the body's chemistry is akin to dumping kegs of alcohol at a teenager's party—it only perpetuates madness and further complicates the healing process.
In summary, understanding and respecting natural chemistry is essential for optimal health. Avoiding alcohol consumption when ill, incorporating juice as a valuable supplement, and making informed choices about fiber intake and blood sugar levels are vital components of a health-conscious approach to healing and well-being.
Chapter XIV
No 14th Chapter will you find, For superstitious fears in mind, Thirteen's unlucky, so they say, But fear not, for it's just a way That some folks choose to play it safe, And avoid that number in their space. So don't be spooked or filled with dread, The tale goes on, no harm ahead.