Inside the new headquarters of our favorite source for cold pressed greens. New York.
Article in Coveteur, written by Emily Ramshaw. Photography by Jake Rosenberg.
As you may have noticed, we spend a fair amount of our time trying to uncover the heretofore unseen—and it's our Instagram feeds and Pinterest boards and Google alerts that kind of serve as our research labs (this is serious, very scientific business, guys). And, despite the fact that pretty much everyone and anyone with a working Internet connection and a pulse has taken to doing the same thing, we still like to think of ourselves as explorers of sorts—you know, like finding Lauren Rubinski and her brand of pretty, punky bijoux in the middle of Paris or taking a tour of Peter Marino’s Andy Warhol and Damien Hirst-filled office. That said, there are still happenings that are, well, harder to miss than they are to find. birkenstocks. clarisonics. coconut oil. Juicing.
After all, the whole pressing-your-daily-fruits-and-veggies-into-liquid thing has more or less dominated the health food conversation for the past, well… it been a second. Once the equivalent of social leprosy, at this point, it’s become pretty standard to (ironically) discuss over dinner with one friend or another how they’re cleansing, going raw, going vegan, on an elimination diet, et cetera, et cetera—and juice is usually the main component. And while we’re not really the types to cut out chewing completely—we mean, we like our BBQs and fro-yo too, guys—we’re all for a green juice in the morning (to accompany our artisanal, Pinterest-eat-your-heart-out granola, duh) and a self-congratulating energy booster when the inevitable three o’clock lag rolls around, ‘cause the nutritional value is totally worth the, ahem, considerable wallet-lightening effect, right?

Upon arrival at their shiny n' new Long Island City digs (so new that the main kitchen is still being renovated, while operations currently run out of a kitchen half the size—it was still huge), we met founder Marcus Antebi, and immediately knew we would be in for a, well, experience. Inspired to get into juicing when he needed to drop weight classes as a Thai boxer (an area, we’ve gotta say, we don’t have a ton of experience in), we still kind of got the, ahem, ‘fighter spirit’ from him—see for yourself in the video interview below. While we sipped from seemingly endless bottles of Dr. Green juice, he proudly took us on a tour, from the loading dock (Antebi even drove the forklift, with great comic effect), to the cold press machines. It goes without saying that he’s a proponent of juicing—we mean, the man has been known to undergo massive 30-day all-juice cleanses—but his best note on the benefits of drinking liquid gold? “Expensive pee.” The more you know, right?!