The true self is an ageless, inner child, a pure embodiment of nature's innocence and the divine's intent. This inner child is bound to the source of life and consciousness, which are born simultaneously at the universe's dawn. Life and consciousness grow together, evolving alongside the cosmos. As the universe expands, so does the consciousness of what it encompasses.
Consciousness shapes our experiences, and these experiences, in turn, inform our minds. Our minds ponder these experiences, dreaming of new endeavors and aspirations—of yesterday, of tomorrow, of invention, of seascapes, of animals and trees. The unseen forces of the universe, vast and boundless, are like a cosmic farm where awareness moves in waves. Dreams of all creatures plant seeds, and some of these seeds of awareness come to life, taking various forms.

Among these forms is the human being, one of the universe's most enigmatic creations. Humans are complex, composed of the same elements as the universe, yet they possess something unique: a memory-storing organic computer called the brain, and even memories within their bodies. They think and reflect upon their thoughts. With their arms, they manipulate their environment, creating boundlessly. They create means to leave their planet, to explore beneath the seas, to build tall structures, to invent systems like democracy and warfare, to express beauty and love, and to embody hatred and destruction.
Destruction often arises from fear, but in some, from pure evil and madness. Throughout history, humans have experienced such extremes. These individuals were once innocent babies, their paths altered by the laws of cause and effect. Even the most damaged child, given love and care, can become gentle. The human mind's fragility is evident; too much trauma and fear can break it, embedding destructive patterns in our personalities.
Yet, there is hope. By working on ourselves, writing, talking, learning, breathing, meditating, and serving, we can heal. Closeness to nature and the support of dear friends are essential. In this way, we can mend, grow, and rediscover our true selves.