Exploring the Ego and Consciousness: The exact sounds, images, and interpretations I experience will probably never be replicated by any other living creature throughout all of history. The only way others can experience me pleasantly, without even knowing it was me, is through my actions and how I affect the world. While we shouldn't be overly attached or distracted by this thought, it helps lay a foundation for understanding what the ego structure actually is.
Building a Foundation: When teaching ancient philosophy and psychology, it's essential to build on simple concepts before progressing to more complex ones. The first concept to grasp is that we do, in fact, exist. For the sake of simplicity, let's agree that we are on a planet humans named Earth. There’s no need to argue about this; there are more important things to consider during our relatively short time here. We also need to agree that some things are pleasing to our minds, while others are not. We have likes and aversions, and in the first decade or so of our lives, we begin to classify objects in the material world based on our personal preferences.

Understanding the Ego: The essence of our ego decides these preferences. The ego can be visualized as a filing room with an infinite number of drawers, each containing content on every second of our existence. However, the ego structure is probably the least permanent thing about us. Even our bodies outlast the ego. When the brain and body cease to function, the ego has no mechanism to support it, so it ceases to exist. It's like a computer screen playing a movie that suddenly loses power; the display is gone, leaving only the framework that held those memories and experiences. Our bodies decompose and return to the earth, with their molecules continuing in different forms.
The Concept of Consciousness: Consciousness is the next concept after ego. You might say it’s the last thing to remain after death. When the ego and body are gone, consciousness itself persists. Although consciousness is hard to describe, we can think of it as similar to empty space in the cosmos. We know empty space exists, even if we can’t fully describe it. Consciousness, like empty space, holds potential for future matter and awareness. Despite the paradox of something within nothing, we might never fully understand it with our finite minds.
For spiritual development, consider consciousness as your higher self. It’s the part of you that carries on after death, shared among all creatures. There’s a super consciousness involving all consciousness in the cosmos, and a micro consciousness that you have in your body, shaped by the ego structure.
Living with the Ego and Consciousness: Living in the ego structure limits our ability to fully experience consciousness. Moments of pure consciousness occur when we surrender our ego, like during a deep breath in yoga. Pure consciousness cannot be developed; it is inherently pure. Instead, we develop our ego structure, building character, forgiving, laughing, and feeling emotions like loneliness and excitement. Higher consciousness seeks to elevate the ego structure.
Spiritual Goals and Ideal Living: Understanding the ego and consciousness helps crystallize our spiritual goals. In an ideal world, with pure consciousness linked to the cosmos and our bodies, we would live joyfully, planting seeds, smelling flowers, and spreading positivity. We would live peacefully for about 100 years, then pass away painlessly, unless a natural disaster occurred. Pure consciousness deeply experiences love, joy, and the excitement of the material world, even while navigating life's obstacles.
Conclusion: The Balance of Pain and Pleasure: This essay explores the ego structure, which stores our experiences and shapes us, and pure consciousness, the near-perfect version of ourselves experiencing joy and non-harm. We should strive to remain mindful and breathing, even when facing challenges. Pain exists because we create bodies and the parameters they live in. Pain contrasts with pleasure, making both experiences possible. Without opposites, nothing could exist. Understanding this balance helps us navigate life and spiritual development.