Throughout the day, we make important judgments, even during meditative moments when we assess the quality of our state of mind. The mind is naturally inclined to judge, but in moments of heightened consciousness, it may try to observe without immediate judgment, seeking deeper truths. However, if we overanalyze every situation, we might struggle to make timely decisions, akin to hesitating when faced with a sudden danger, like a tiger jumping out of the jungle.
There are certain judgments that we should leave behind, particularly negative judgments about others and their actions. However, there are instances when it becomes necessary to get involved and take action when someone's actions directly impact our lives or the well-being of the planet. Striving to keep positivity in the collective consciousness of humanity may require us to assess the actions of others and intervene if needed. Some individuals, like Masters, may prefer to stay disconnected and maintain a meditative state to avoid distractions and further karma. Others may feel called to address humanity's problems head-on, helping those in need, supporting the environment, and dealing with natural disasters.
While it might not be practical to adhere to philosophies claiming that there's no absolute good or bad, it is essential to recognize that judgments are subjective and limited. As a starting point, all judgments should be rooted in compassion. We should consider whether our judgments come from a place of compassion or fear and assess the impact of our actions on ourselves and others. While our ideas of good and bad may differ, we can use compassion as a guiding principle.
Although the concept of good and bad is subjective, it serves as a foundation for our judgments. During meditation, we should consistently question whether an action, thought, or experience is compassionate. By reflecting on the compassion behind our judgments, we can find peace with the present moment while still taking graceful action. The great people in history whom we admire were not passive; they took action and contributed positively to humanity.
In conclusion, let compassion be the focus of our judgments and actions. Continuously ask ourselves if our thoughts and actions are compassionate, aligning with the compassionate nature of humanity and nature.