I think this makes sense.
I had no idea of my own Mind's tendency to obsess over anything that was potentially a threat to me. Suddenly, it became clear to me what Mind is. Mind, with a capital ‘M,’ is Thought, with a capital ‘T,’ which are both created by the brain and the billions of Neurons it contains.
Mind is physical matter and is governed by all of the laws in the Universe, in particular, Cause & Effect. The Mind’s content is 100% the result of billions of thoughts, billions of life experiences, and our Memory. Mind is the processor of Thought and the analyzer of physical sensations and emotional feelings. Thus far, we are describing how computers work. However, computers do not have a connection to the highest Consciousness. Humans do.
Every creation has a God. You are the Creator of your life, thoughts, actions, and Karma* (Karma means Cause and Effect).
The computer you are reading from was created by something. In a small way, this represents how the Cosmic God creates.
God is a beautiful word if you understand its oldest translation from long before Eastern and Modern philosophy and religion. Animism is perhaps the oldest spiritual belief system, dating back to the Paleolithic period (around 40,000 BCE). It is the belief that all objects, places, and creatures possess a distinct spiritual essence, or that each and every manifestation in space/time is God. Each thing is distinct only to the human eye. We separate things naturally as part of our evolutionary design. But in reality, all things are one and connected. All things come from the same source, the same One: God.
In animistic cultures, gods are often not seen as singular beings but rather as spirits inhabiting natural elements like trees, rivers, mountains, animals, and even inanimate objects.
The Divine is all things at once and is The Life Force that permeates all aspects of the Universe. All aspects of existence including all matter, the forces that control matter are all connected therefore are one thing. The Life Force is the Universe; it is the Creator of this Universe, it is Awareness, it is Consciousness. The Universe is a “factory” with one purpose: to create. Destruction is not the purpose; it is the opposing force that is part of the mechanics of Creation. The Universe creates to progress to higher and higher Creations. No Human Mind knows why. Humans behave the same way.
Ancient people sought to cultivate Yoga in their minds. Love God. Find out what God is, even as an atheist or non-religious person, believing in the Mystery.
I long for unconditional love. Is there anyone who can give it to me? My children? I share it with everything now.
Human beings require reasonable amounts of calories for energy. We maintain proper ratios of water to oxygen to glucose from moment to moment. But this is not enough to sustain us because we have a complex mind that is connected to every cell and every particle in our body. Because of this, the mind can control or affect the contents of itself and the physical body. However, not to such a degree that we can easily perform feats of miraculous repair or destruction.
The failsafe set up by The One is that the mind must have a limiter on how much it can affect matter. Otherwise, the world itself would crumble if collective negative consciousness seizes too much power. Evolution blocks our power to manifest without effort and without adhering to the common laws of physics. We cannot fly, breathe underwater, or survive without blood and organs. No matter how advanced your meditation becomes, you cannot violate the laws of physics. They cannot be changed by the mind. Collective mind can change the physical, but over epochs, millions of years, billions even.
One forgotten nutrient all creatures with complex brains need is love. We need an extraordinary amount of it. If we fail to receive it, we are in a state of stress, and this causes further agitation. Agitation is a form of suffering.
TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE consistent WITH the FOURTH spatial dimension, TIME dilation, AND WHAT IS E=MC2. (The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider WHAT IS THE EYE ON BALANCE.) This CLEARLY explains WHAT IS TIME dilation AND WHAT IS E=MC2, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM IS GRAVITY.
Consider what is the totality of TIME AND SPACE (ON BALANCE), AS I have (CLEARLY) proven what is the FOURTH spatial dimension/TIME; AS I have CLEARLY explained WHAT IS TIME DILATION !!!! GREAT.
I have CLEARLY proven WHAT IS the FOURTH spatial dimension/TIME, AS I have (CLEARLY) solved WHAT IS the coronal heating “problem” (ON BALANCE); AS I have (CLEARLY) explained WHAT IS TIME DILATION; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM IS GRAVITY.
By Frank Martin DiMeglio
TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE consistent WITH the FOURTH spatial dimension, TIME dilation, AND WHAT IS E=MC2. (The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider WHAT IS THE EYE ON BALANCE.) This CLEARLY explains WHAT IS TIME dilation AND WHAT IS E=MC2, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM IS GRAVITY.
Consider what is the totality of TIME AND SPACE (ON BALANCE), AS I have (CLEARLY) proven what is the FOURTH spatial dimension/TIME; AS I have CLEARLY explained WHAT IS TIME DILATION !!!! GREAT.
I have CLEARLY proven WHAT IS the FOURTH spatial dimension/TIME, AS I have (CLEARLY) solved WHAT IS the coronal heating “problem” (ON BALANCE); AS I have (CLEARLY) explained WHAT IS TIME DILATION; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM IS GRAVITY.
By Frank Martin DiMeglio