Many experts emphasize the importance of breaking down complex ideas into manageable enumerated steps or summaries to create a more approachable teaching. From personal experience, I have found that enumerating a process can lead to positive outcomes, but it's crucial to recognize that there are numerous steps that can be added or omitted, and multiple paths to reach the same goal. I remain skeptical of philosophies that claim precision through an exact enumerated list of steps or factors to achieve or understand something, as the complexities of the human mind and psychology warrant consideration of additional aspects and factors.
While providing an exhaustive list of all self-help teachings is unnecessary, as they mainly serve as suggested guides to assist readers, there is always room for additional information and perspectives. For example, while the Ten Commandments are essential, one could envision expanding them to 50, and the 12 steps of AA might become 100, given the complexity of real recovery processes. (Please note that these examples are used without any disrespect.)
In my opinion, several crucial factors contribute to achieving health and wellness, with the acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of the body and mind being of utmost importance. If any of these factors are out of balance, it can lead to anxiety, discomfort, distractions, and unconscious patterns of sub-optimal behavior. Suboptimal behavior refers to actions that deviate from a direct path towards a given goal, often leading to additional challenges and delays in reaching the desired outcome.
Caring for our bodies as if they were sacred temples is a significant aspect of maintaining good health. Just as temples require devoted caretakers, we should treat our bodies with utmost care and respect, attending to our physical needs, maintaining cleanliness, and being mindful of our overall health.
Another crucial factor is cultivating self-awareness to effectively manage our urges, impulses, cravings, and desires. By understanding the origins of our desires, we can respond more thoughtfully. For example, if hunger drives our desire, seeking nourishing food is the solution. However, if the desire stems from low self-esteem and the goal is to buy an expensive sports car, fulfilling that desire may not lead to genuine satisfaction. Addressing the root causes is key, rather than seeking superficial solutions that only temporarily fill an emotional void.
Furthermore, the desire for relationships is deeply connected to our higher self. Forming intimate connections with caretakers, parents, siblings, extended family, friends, and society is another key factor in obtaining health. We are born into the care of our parents, relying on them entirely. The most effective way to create healthy relationships is to vigilantly work on improving ourselves, uncovering unconscious motivations, changing negative thought patterns, becoming better givers, listeners, and forgivers, and allowing room for growth and understanding in our interactions with others.
Developing a pure heart is yet another key health factor. This involves cultivating compassion for the anxieties, suffering, pain, hardships, and desires of all creatures that share our planet. Avoiding speciesism, where one species is considered superior to another, is crucial. Each being, whether a cow or a chicken, possesses inherent value and the desire to live.
By acknowledging and integrating these key factors into our lives, we can strive towards improved health and wellness, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.
It should be clear now that these key factors represent only a small fraction of the many other keys to health I have written about. As I reflect on all my writings honestly, these keys are products of my own invention and methods. Throughout my life, I could easily continue discovering and writing about more key factors for health.