
the word divine

the word divine

marcus antebi

The divine in creation, an eternal theme, A glimpse of something greater, it would seem, That fills our hearts with hope and inspiration, And guides us towards a deeper realization.

the word divine

marcus antebi

The divine in creation, an eternal theme, A glimpse of something greater, it would seem, That fills our hearts with hope and inspiration, And guides us towards a deeper realization.

gratitude saved my ass

gratitude saved my ass

marcus antebi

By cultivating gratitude and compassion, we can create a positive feedback loop that not only benefits ourselves but also those around us.

gratitude saved my ass

marcus antebi

By cultivating gratitude and compassion, we can create a positive feedback loop that not only benefits ourselves but also those around us.

we can’t eat philosophy

we can’t eat philosophy

marcus antebi

The saying "you can't eat philosophy" implies that getting lost in deep philosophical thought about how to live our lives may not always be practical in meeting our basic needs. ...

we can’t eat philosophy

marcus antebi

The saying "you can't eat philosophy" implies that getting lost in deep philosophical thought about how to live our lives may not always be practical in meeting our basic needs. ...

Prayer Works

Prayer Works

marcus antebi

Throughout history, various cultures have developed methods to ponder the nature of reality. While some may use the word God to explain reality, others approach it from a more materialistic...

Prayer Works

marcus antebi

Throughout history, various cultures have developed methods to ponder the nature of reality. While some may use the word God to explain reality, others approach it from a more materialistic...

Wake Up, Achieve Happiness

Wake Up, Achieve Happiness

Marcus Antebi

Many ancient people were aware of the risks of having the wrong attachments. They understood that having the wrong attachments would lead people to despair, and they taught practices in...

Wake Up, Achieve Happiness

Marcus Antebi

Many ancient people were aware of the risks of having the wrong attachments. They understood that having the wrong attachments would lead people to despair, and they taught practices in...

Connecting with the body

Connecting with the body

marcus antebi

Visualize the light that permeates the universe, moving at the speed of light, and gradually slow it down in your mind's eye as you continue to breathe deeply.

Connecting with the body

marcus antebi

Visualize the light that permeates the universe, moving at the speed of light, and gradually slow it down in your mind's eye as you continue to breathe deeply.