
vegan myths in verse

vegan myths in verse

marcus antebi

Behold the lands where sun doth shine, Where plants in plenty doth entwine. Their roots dig deep in soil and stream, And creatures bask in nature's dream....

vegan myths in verse

marcus antebi

Behold the lands where sun doth shine, Where plants in plenty doth entwine. Their roots dig deep in soil and stream, And creatures bask in nature's dream....

dessert, indulgence, and exploring human quirks

dessert, indulgence, and exploring human quirks

marcus antebi

Dessert is a delightful addition, a new chapter in our day. It serves as a conversation starter or a pleasant treat to share. 

dessert, indulgence, and exploring human quirks

marcus antebi

Dessert is a delightful addition, a new chapter in our day. It serves as a conversation starter or a pleasant treat to share. 

the five indulgences

the five indulgences

marcus antebi

Patterns form from our actions, and it's important to remember that nobody should judge others for the things they struggle with. Instead, we should offer support and compassion without being...

the five indulgences

marcus antebi

Patterns form from our actions, and it's important to remember that nobody should judge others for the things they struggle with. Instead, we should offer support and compassion without being...

fat shaming

fat shaming

marcus antebi

A person’s weight problems are almost always caused by self-esteem issues. In the case of my family members, I know them intimately and I know why they have difficulty putting...

fat shaming

marcus antebi

A person’s weight problems are almost always caused by self-esteem issues. In the case of my family members, I know them intimately and I know why they have difficulty putting...

embracing lifestyle changes for a healthier and happier life

embracing lifestyle changes for a healthier and...

marcus antebi

I grew up watching my father and my sister struggle tremendously with food addictions. It impacted me, and it strengthened my own resolve to maintain my physical health through diet...

embracing lifestyle changes for a healthier and...

marcus antebi

I grew up watching my father and my sister struggle tremendously with food addictions. It impacted me, and it strengthened my own resolve to maintain my physical health through diet...

teaching the plant based lifestyle

teaching the plant based lifestyle

marcus antebi

When it comes to spreading awareness about the plant-based lifestyle, it is crucial that we approach it with a mindset devoid of impatience, anxiety, or judgment. It is important to...

teaching the plant based lifestyle

marcus antebi

When it comes to spreading awareness about the plant-based lifestyle, it is crucial that we approach it with a mindset devoid of impatience, anxiety, or judgment. It is important to...