
the essence of meditation

the essence of meditation

marcus antebi

Through this practice, you can transcend the limitations imposed by your senses, which often perceive the world as separate and fragmented.

the essence of meditation

marcus antebi

Through this practice, you can transcend the limitations imposed by your senses, which often perceive the world as separate and fragmented.

yoga was boring, or may it was just me

yoga was boring, or may it was just me

marcus antebi

When I stepped onto my yoga mat, I had to confront my boredom and recognize that it wasn't yoga itself that was dull; it was the incessant traffic of thoughts...

yoga was boring, or may it was just me

marcus antebi

When I stepped onto my yoga mat, I had to confront my boredom and recognize that it wasn't yoga itself that was dull; it was the incessant traffic of thoughts...

Meditation Introduction

Meditation Introduction

marcus antebi

I didn't understand how to meditate at the time. I began reading Buddhist philosophy, and I found it interesting that the Buddha had created a series of steps to inspire...

Meditation Introduction

marcus antebi

I didn't understand how to meditate at the time. I began reading Buddhist philosophy, and I found it interesting that the Buddha had created a series of steps to inspire...

Universal Truth

Universal Truth

marcus antebi

When it comes to universal truths, I think about concepts that are difficult to disprove. One such universally accepted truth is that everything in the material world is in a...

Universal Truth

marcus antebi

When it comes to universal truths, I think about concepts that are difficult to disprove. One such universally accepted truth is that everything in the material world is in a...

Wake Up, Acheive Happiness

Wake Up, Acheive Happiness

Marcus Antebi

It's easy. One particular thing holds us back from true happiness: It's that we can't identify with deep consciousness, which is the true nature of self. Instead, we over identify...

Wake Up, Acheive Happiness

Marcus Antebi

It's easy. One particular thing holds us back from true happiness: It's that we can't identify with deep consciousness, which is the true nature of self. Instead, we over identify...

Creation and The Divine

Creation and The Divine

Marcus Antebi

We must stop the behavior, and then we must replace the negative addictive behavior with positive behavior, most certainly including prayer, meditation, exercise, diet, and good relationship interaction.

Creation and The Divine

Marcus Antebi

We must stop the behavior, and then we must replace the negative addictive behavior with positive behavior, most certainly including prayer, meditation, exercise, diet, and good relationship interaction.